8312 Simons Road, Williamsfield Township
From Interstate 90, take Route 45 south to Route 322 (Orwell exit). Turn east onto 322 and head toward Pa. state line. Simons Road will be on your right as you near the state line. Mr. Tabor’s farm is on the left, about one mile south of the intersection and at a sharp curve to the right. Look for the large toy car on a rock in the front yard of the white farmhouse.
Quilt size and pattern:
8×8 feet, Georgetown circle.
This pattern reflects both his mother’s passion for quilting and Gary’s fascination with toys and farm machinery.
Trail co-founder Chris Angerer worked with Gary to adapt the pattern to color pallets of his museum, which features mechanical toys. Many of these toys are tractors and farming implements. Thus the gold on the quilt is for Case and Allis Chalmers; the red is for Farmall; the white is for Farmall and Oliver; and the green is for John Deere and Oliver.